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Authorized Mallard Manufacturing Distributor


  • Maximize Storage Capacity.

  • Increase Throughput.

  • Decrease Equipment Costs.

  • Reduce Labor Expense.

  • Better Inventory Control.

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Pallet Flow Rack System


  • Ideal for material with expiration dates.
  • Produces an almost solid volume of usable storage space.
  • Provides savings in space, manpower and utilities.
  • Maximize Storage Capacity: Close to double the storage in the same footprint
  • Increase Throughput: Less travel with consolidated picking and replenishment
  • Decrease Equipment Costs: Few forklifts needed
  • Reduce Labor Expense: Less fork lift travel and pallet handling
  • Better Inventory Control: Ideal for dated and/or perishable goods

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Pallet Flow Rack System

Pallet flow rack systems are high density pallet storage systems that utilize depth to increase capacity. This system uses a slightly inclined rail with rollers that allow pallets to move easily along the sloped plane. These systems are also called gravity flow or dynamic flow systems. The pallet flow system often has complex motion and braking systems to control the speed of the moving pallet. Pallet flow racking systems are either a FIFO (first in, first out) or a LIFO (last in, first out) storage system. If the system is loaded from the back and unloaded from the front, its FIFO; if the system is loaded and unloaded from the front its a LIFO system.

Pallet Flow rack systems provide an infinite variety of layouts depending on the individual flow rates and order picking requirements. Ideal for freezer warehouses, food distribution or for storage of high-volume customer goods, pallet flow is also good for holding warehouses and dispatch areas where pallets need to be removed quickly. Every phase of the operation is carefully considered to provide the most efficient, customized system possible.

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