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Whether you’re thinking of expanding your operations, starting a company or upgrading to the latest technology, you need an equipment acquisition strategy that fits your company’s capital plan. At Atlantic Rack we understand how costly material handling projects can be and for this reason we have created flexible financial options for you to make those purchases possible. With the ability to choose between financing or leasing material handling equipment, we work with you to ensure your purchase meets your capital outlay and cash flow requirements.

Why Lease or Finance Your Equipment?

Keep Your Cash! Strategic allocation of cash.
Choose the payment option that best fits your needs.
Finance up to 100% of the cost, including service and installation.
Pay for your equipment as you use it to produce income!
Upgrade your equipment and technology.
Tax benefits and write-offs. *Consult how IRS Section 179 impacts your business. 

How to Apply?

Atlantic Rack has partnered with several financial corporations such as NewLane Finance, Navitas Credit Corp. and CIT Business Solutions to provide financing and leasing solutions to our customers. All our products and services apply for financing and leasing options, including Storage Systems, Material Handling Equipment, Automated Storage Solutions, Installation, Relocation, Teardown Services and more!

Get a decision in less than 24 hours! If you’re ready to start your application, please click on the links below and fill out the forms. Once you’re done please email your application to

Contact Us!

If you have any further questions regarding our equipment finance / leasing programs or need any guidance to fill your application, don’t hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.

You may reach us at (305) 424 7057 or


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