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By August 22, 2024September 11th, 2024Business

Pallet rack safety not only involves and adherence to rules, but it also involves proper installation of the
racks and required safety installations. Once your pallet racks themselves are properly installed, you
should install collision protection and brush up on the proper loading procedures to ensure that your
pallet racks are safe and the loads they bear are not going anywhere. Here are a few tips to keeping your
pallet racks and the workers who operate around your pallet racks safe.

Collision Protection. Install column protectors to take the impact of collisions before they reach the
pallet racks. Column protectors may not be able to completely protect the racks from collisions, but they
can take the initial impact and reduce the damage caused by collisions. For added protection, install
end-of-aisle guards. These guards will help protect from machinery which is turning corners or backing
up without full visibility. Floor markers and reflective markers also help material handling equipment
operators know their limits and the areas where they should stay.
Proper Rack Loading Techniques. Pallets should be loaded squarely on the racks to maintain stability of
not only the load but stability of the rack itself. Proper dispersion of weight will also be easier on the
pallet racks and will not put stress on one area more than others. Obey all weight capacities and do not
overfill load bays. Operators should have sufficient horizontal and vertical space in each load bay to
safely store and receive products.

Adhere to Weight Capacities. The first step is to have your weight capacities posted. All beams and
uprights should have their weight capacities clearly posted so operators who are loading the racks can
see them. In order to keep your pallet racks safe and in good condition, the weight capacities should
never be exceeded for any reason. You may have beams which were previously owned, and you do not
know their weight capacities. In this case you need to take the measurements of the beams and contact
the manufacturer to find out the weight capacity.

Keep Items from Falling Off the Back. When your operators are loading items onto the front of the rack,
they should not have to worry about items falling off of the back of the rack. Barriers should be put in
place to prevent these types of accidents. Mesh panels and netting can be installed to prevent loose
items from falling from high places and potentially injuring passersby. Backstop beams can also be
effective when it comes to keeping larger items like pallets full of product in place.