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By August 22, 2024September 11th, 2024Uncategorized

Improperlynot the best idea. Improperly stacked inventory can lead to safety issues as well as a list of
other issues which come along with improperly stacked and stored goods. Here is a list of steps you can
take to ensure safe stacking while still correctly using the warehouse space available to you.
Collapse. Item collapse is caused when parcels are not stacked in the proper arrangement and become
unstable. Stacking items too high or in a careless manner contribute to this. Use the proper stacking
method for different kinds of packages to ensure safety.
 Block stacking: Square items can be stacked one on top of the other in a neat cube and secured
with straps, wire, or shrink wrap.
 Brick stacking: This method is similar to block stacking, but on each level you turn the item 90
degrees. The items will then stay in place better if the stack is bumped.
 Pinwheel stacking: Pinwheel stacking adds even more security than brick stacking. When using
the pinwheel stacking method, turn each quadrant of items 90 degrees to lock everything in
 Irregular stacking: This applies to items which are irregular shapes. Add a sheet of plywood
between each layer of items for more stability.
Also consider the height and weight of the items you are stacking. Very heavy items should not be
stacked too high and should be tapered starting at a certain height (depending